/* * common/js/loader.js * Common file, to be included before any of the other common/js scripts */ /* * Gracefully deal with a whole lot of modules wanting to set the onload() event handler */ if(typeof _LOADERS == 'undefined') _LOADERS = Array(); function callAllLoaders() { var i, loaderFunc; for(i=0;i<_LOADERS.length;i++) { loaderFunc = _LOADERS[i]; if(loaderFunc != callAllLoaders) loaderFunc(); } } function appendLoader(loaderFunc) { if(window.onload && window.onload != callAllLoaders) _LOADERS[_LOADERS.length] = window.onload; window.onload = callAllLoaders; _LOADERS[_LOADERS.length] = loaderFunc; } /* * Call the given function on any element of the given tag and class */ function setUpHandlers(tagName,className, handlerFunction) { var allElements = document.getElementsByTagName(tagName); for(var i = 0;i