System 3.2
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Average Rating: 4.1 (4 people have rated this item.)
RAM Requirement: 512k RAM
Release Status: Freeware
Year: 1987
Publisher: Apple Computer, Inc.
System 6 Compatible: No
Hard Drive Installable: Yes
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At last, an Apple IIGS native Finder was released in mid 1987, nearly a year after the platform's introduction.
The program featured the standard super-hires 640 by 200 screen mode with 16 dithered colours (made from 4) that any toolbox based program would normally utilise.
In essence, the program was a copy of the Macintosh Finder (the all round utility to launch programs, copy files and format or erase volumes), with the exception of colour. You could label any type of file by colour to make distinctions between files.
Another nice feature of the first IIGS Finder, which I feel would still be a welcome return to any program these days, is that greyed out menu options are still selectable. For instance, if you select 'Put Away' without having a volume selected on the desktop, a dialogue will appear and in plain English will tell you WHY you can't use this menu item and how you CAN use it. When I was a mere lad of eleven years, this made me understand the Finder a whole lot better and subsequently how to use a IIGS and Macintosh for years to come.