
22/07/2000: Minor Updates
New thumbnails for Manhunter New York, GBA Basketball, Impossible Mission 2, Superstar Ice Hockey (thanks David Graton) Life & Death and Aaargh! (thanks Gary Boettcher). There is an updated list of box scans I'm still after below. Also added is a newer version of Dungeon Master, thanks to Brendan Bellina, that includes a patched version which allows the user to save on the same disk as the application as well as letting you to play from System 6!

29/03/2000: Ultima I Archive Removed
I have been asked to remove Ultima I from the Fairway as it is currently being prepared for re-release by Shareware Solutions II. I have done so.
Sorry for the lack of updates, but my academic commitments have priority over the Fairway. Just a nice little tidbit for you all: Mitch Spector sent me word that Cinemaware has been reborn! They aren't detailing plans for new games yet, but their rationale is the creation of games as equally enjoyable to what they had been creating since Defender of the Crown. Thanks for the news Mitch, although I'm over a month late in sharing it, it was certainly great to check out when I first got your email regarding Cinemaware's return!

23/01/2000: Bernie v2.6 Released
Bernie ][ the Rescue 2.6 has been released. Apart from even cooler integration between the Mac OS and GS/OS, mouse support has been improved, now allowing Teenage Queen to be played properly.
I was mailed by a couple of people mentioning that Le Manoir de Mortvielle is not a finished game, and therefore can't be played properly. I fixed a few links to different emulators on the Welcome page. Alessandro Bonzi has sent in a scan for the Immortal, a thumbnail of it now replacing the existing hack I made.

02/01/2000: New Year Goodies
Lots of little goodies for the new year. Brutal Deluxe programmer, Antoine Vignau, has written a crack for Gold Rush, so playing the game no longer requires the manual! Antoine has also sent in two unreleased games: Passengers on the Wind and Le Manoir de Mortvielle.
Nicolas Bergeret has sent in a scan for Full Metal Planete, which I believe is from the IIGS version, which was actually released in France. Nick should know, because he did the graphics for the IIGS version!
Chris Klimas has typed up the manual for Final Assault, the mountaineering game that's had me stumped on how to play it for years.
Lastly, KEGS, the Apple IIGS emulator for Unix, Linux and OS/2 has been updated to version 0.57.