
23/07/2001: Minor Updates
Some minor updates: I've added a pop up menu on the home page so you can quickly jump to your favourite Apple IIGS games! External links now open a new browser window and I've added a few things to the FAQ.

10/06/2001: Old School Updates
Some updates! Dan Chisarick has sent in heaps of game box scans: California Games, Deja Vu 1 and 2, Hacker II, Omega, Test Drive 2 California Challenge and Supercars. Big thanks to Dan for all of these!
Olivier Goguel, ex-lead programmer for the Free Tools Association, has created a page dedicated to the memory of the FTA. The page is still under construction, but includes music from the Nucleus Demo of 1989, in MP3 or RealAudio format.
Incidentally, and I forgot to mention this with my last update all those months ago, Ninja Force's webpage features reviews and downloads of IIGS 'scene' demos, including demos created by Ninja Force themselves, the FTA, the GSA, the East Coast Connection and others.

25/02/2001: The Fairway Version 2.0
Welcome to the Fairway v2.0! New in this update is a new user interface, large sized game box images, a pre-installed version of System 6 on a 4 meg 2image volume, character disks included with Bard's Tale 1 & 2, no broken links, re-proofed text, more promotional images and the inclusion of Easter Eggs for a few games.
Bernie ][ the Rescue v3.0 preview was released around Christmas. A nice present indeed, as its primary improvements have been made with games in mind - a new full screen mode and incredible improvements to sound.
In other news, Cinemaware has well and truely began work on their next generation of games. They're currently working on Wings for the Gameboy Advance, but their biggest game in development is Robin Hood: Defender of the Crown. I wouldn't normally do this kind of thing, in that this request isn't relevant to the IIGS, but if Mac users who would be interested in that game becoming available for the Mac, please visit Cinemaware's site and let them know it's not just PC, Playstation 2 and Xbox gamers that want Robin Hood: DOTC.